By: Jocelyn L. Alimondo

The year 2020 is over, but the battle is not.

March 16, 2020 – our world seemed to freeze when Malacanang declared a state of calamity in the whole of our country and placing the entire Luzon under Enhanced Community Quarantine due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We were all stunned. It was indeed an unprecedented event that almost everyone became panicky. No one was prepared. It was only after several weeks when people and businesses started getting back on their feet again, but it was not the usual normal anymore. Movements were limited. Access to food, transportation, work, and even education has been affected. Then people started to blame others. They started to question God: “Is He punishing us? When will He end this?” These were questions asked by many of us – questions which had no clear answers; yet, we managed to brave our way through this most trying time. How did we do it?

We see on the social media different survival stories of people from different walks of life-– drivers turned to food delivery agents, some became carpenters producing plant stands, repatriated OFWs who became food handlers, dismissed workers who became online sellers, bakers, cooks, and the like. Aside from these individual efforts of our fellowmen, news reports show philanthropists who surfaced amidst this pandemic – businessmen giving away their products for free; people doing outreach activities for the less fortunate members of the community, and of course, we must not forget the healthcare and other frontline workers who never ceased offering their services despite the perils of their work. Indeed, we are all in this together.

From all these stories of recovery, we see hope and optimism. In fact, these acts of love and care of people validate what I learned in my subject Philosophy of Man – that man by nature is good; that man is a social being, that man is a living organism who always finds his way out (to survive) even in the face of danger.

On a personal note, I say, this is the most beautiful realization that 2020 me, too. Amidst the challenges that this pandemic brought us, what surfaced is goodness which is man’s true nature. And so, when we look back to our seemingly apocalyptic situation several months ago and see where we are now, perhaps we can ask ourselves again, with tears of joy, how did we manage to survive? Maybe because of our will to survive; maybe because we have faith and hope; because there are good people out there who are willing to help, because there are more people who care about lives and our world. There could be more reasons, but I believe, these are all springing from love and care (for ourselves, for our family, and humanity).

The year 2020 is over, the battle continues, and so is GOODNESS and LOVE.


Jocelyn L. Alimondo

The saying, “one rotten tomato can destroy the whole crate of tomatoes,” is not new to us all.  The ‘rotten tomato’ here normally pertains to a person who is deemed to have bad influence on others, so we try to avoid them, or worst, neglect them.

I was reminded of this saying when I was picking tomatoes in our backyard, and I noticed a good number of rotten ones. I thought of just throwing them away, so I whispered to them (FYI: I am one who talk to almost everything as if they were humans), “Sorry little ones, if only I picked you earlier.” However, instead of discarding them, I thought they can still be useful. So, I flung them one by one back to the soil as I continued talking to them saying, “Back to the soil you go. One day you will grow again to healthy and plump tomatoes for my kitchen.” As I was uttering those words, I suddenly remembered people who were regarded as useless and were not given chances to prove what they can do. At times, we even advise our acquaintances not to be with these ‘problem people’ because they might get ‘infected’ by whatever stupidity they have. I sat down quietly and allowed these rotten tomatoes to teach me something about life that day.

I saw at least four degrees of rottenness in these tomatoes which I compared with people whose lives are disintegrated.  First were the partly rotten ones. These tomatoes can still be useful by simply scraping off the destroyed part. I can relate them with people who are beginning to lose their direction and are being tempted to go the wrong way, but if they will be guided properly and be checked immediately, for sure, they will find their way back.

            Second were the rotten tomatoes that fell on the ground, smashed, but still have their seeds inside. I compare them to people who have gone through a lot of painful experiences and have given in to temptations. These are the people who cannot see their worth anymore. But the seeds in them are signs of hope and life. Just like the tomatoes, when replanted in good soil, nurtured and exposed to a good environment, they will give us a good harvest in the future.

Third were the rotten tomatoes that were still attached to the stem but dried and almost nothing left in the inside. I compare them with people whose lives are shattered and no clear direction anymore, yet they are still holding on. Even if they are struggling in the inside, they still choose to cling on to life hoping that someone may come to their rescue. If they will fall in good hands and will be handled with care (just like the second group of tomatoes), they will grow and bear healthy fruits one day.

Finally, my attention was also caught by the tomatoes which were not only rotten, but completely destroyed. I only saw traces of them through the dried tomato skin. There is no way for them to be replanted. Unfortunately, we have heard a lot of people who are like them –too late to be saved for they have given up life already. Perhaps, no help or no attention was given to them, or they were simply ignored by the people around them. That led me to my final insight that day – my role in the lives of these tomatoes. Could these tomatoes be prevented from being rotten if I gave them proper attention and care? My answer is yes. Just like what I told the rotten tomatoes, “If only I harvested you on time… if only I had been checking on you regularly…”

This story about the rotten tomatoes can be the story of anyone – a student, a friend, a family member, an officemate, a subordinate, a simple citizen in our society. In the same manner, we can be the plant grower or the farmer who, with our right decision and action, can still make healthy and useful tomatoes out of the ‘rotten ones’.

Feb. 25, 2020